Selection of the month of January


58 products

🍃And Promo
Jardioui Lampe Solaire Maisonnette des FéesJardioui Lampe Solaire Maisonnette des Fées

Fairy House Solar Garden Lamp

Selling price€44,90 Normal price€89,90
Save €50,00
Jardioui Lapin Luminaire Décoratif Magique Lapin Éco-ÉnergétiqueJardioui Chat Luminaire Décoratif Magique Lapin Éco-Énergétique

Eco-Energy Magic Rabbit Decorative Light Fixture

Selling price€49,90 Normal price€99,90
🍃And Promo
Jardioui 4 Pièces Cage Innovante Écoresponsable Anti-ParasitesInnovative Eco-Responsible Anti-Parasite Cage

Innovative Eco-Responsible Anti-Parasite Cage

Selling price€24,90 Normal price€49,90
Save €30,00
Jardioui A Lampe de chevet Nostalgie LED Moderne sans filJardioui B Lampe de chevet Nostalgie LED Moderne sans fil

Nostalgia Modern LED wireless bedside lamp

Selling price€29,90 Normal price€59,90
Save €80,00
Jardioui Beige Lampe de table trépied Élégance ModerneJardioui Lampe de table trépied Élégance Moderne

Elegant and Modern Table Lamp

Selling price€79,90 Normal price€159,90
🍃And Promo
Jardioui 10 Supports Lot de Support Murales Décoratives pour PlantesJardioui 20 Supports Lot de Support Murales Décoratives pour Plantes

Decorative Wall Supports for Plants

Selling price€24,90 Normal price€49,90
Discover our January Selection, a carefully curated collection that combines:
  • The essentials of gardening
  • The most practical DIY tools
  • Elements ofinterior and exterior decorationthat will brighten up your space
  • innovative lighting solutions to illuminate every corner of your house
  • well-being accessoriesto pamper you span>

Trust our expertise to choose the best for your home this month!